“Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” ~ Romans 10:17
Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists’ Association (MTVEA) was officially formed in the year 1924 in response to the vision of our late Metropolitan, Abraham Mar Thoma who proposed the concept that “Every Marthomite is a voluntary evangelist”.
Every member of the Church should be a missionary filled with such joy and assurance of salvation as to be Christ’s witness to those who come into contact with him, irrespective of one’s profession in secular life. The Edavaka Mission works with the laity to help the church members to grow stronger spiritually and to reach out to the wider community, sharing good Christian values and ethos with the community. The Parish Edavaka Mission is affiliated to MTVEA and its core functions are based on the seven activities of the Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelist’s Association such as, Intercessory Prayer, Bible Study, Witnessing and Sharing, House Visits, Charity Projects, Prayer meetings and Gospel work among non Christians. To meet these objectives the Edavaka Mission organise a number of activities.